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Versatile Print & Digital Campaign (Canada)



Art Direction

Brand Identity

Team Management

Project Management

Content Creation

Content Strategy

A/B testing

Email Marketing (Drip Campaign)

Customer Relationship Manager Development (HubSpot)

Media Buying & Placement (PPC & Print)


Analytics and Tracking

Purpose: The purpose of the campaign was to reengage past Canadian customers and attract new customers for Versatile.

Target Audience: The target audience consisted of both new and past Versatile customers located across most provinces in Canada.

Messaging: The campaign included four different messages, with each message launched every quarter. The messages were as follows:

  • "Never lets me down and nothing pulls like it": Highlighted the reliability and superior pulling power of Versatile products.

  • "Anything they can pull, you can pull better": Emphasized that Versatile equipment enables customers to outperform others in their industry.

  • "My dealer treats me like a neighbour, not a number": Focused on the personalized and customer-centric service provided by Versatile dealerships.

  • "The worst kept secret in Canada": Created intrigue and curiosity around the brand, positioning it as a well-regarded but perhaps underappreciated choice.

Creative: Each message was supported by simple visuals and copy that effectively communicated the value proposition of working with Versatile and its dealership network. The creative materials aimed to resonate with past Versatile customers who had a positive perception of the brand but may have disengaged for various reasons. Simultaneously, they aimed to introduce the brand to potential new customers.

Call-to-Action (CTA): The campaign utilized print ads in farm journals and targeted digital ads, running simultaneously. The digital ads directed users to a digital landing page where they were presented with a form to sign up for more information. The CTA encouraged users to submit their details for further engagement. Following form submission, email automation was employed to qualify leads and gradually prepare them for an appointment at a Versatile dealership for a product demonstration.


Tracking and Measurement: The campaign utilized various tracking and measurement tools to evaluate its effectiveness. These included a unique URL, Hubspot tracking, Google Analytics, and Google Tag Manager. These tools helped monitor and analyze the campaign's performance, allowing for data-driven decision-making and optimization.

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